Virtual simulators for the transfer of knowledge on integers


  • Ana Gabriela Camacho Peña
  • Patricio Medina-Chicaiza


Mathematical simulators; Retomate; Mathgametime; general basic education; Palora.


The virtual simulators applied in the educational field are a tool that helps to relate the theoretical knowledge disseminated in the classroom and apply them in a virtual context that resembles reality. For this reason, the objective of this article is to know the satisfaction or perception of the mathematical simulations Retomate and Mathgametime by the students of general basic education of the Palora-Ecuador canton in the acquisition and deepening of knowledge of whole numbers. For this, a survey was applied that covers three dimensions: a) motivational aspects, b) navigability and interface and c) pedagogical and didactic aspects. The results yielded an average acceptance of the simulators of 3,77 points out of 5. Additionally, significant differences were found between different nominal variables and important differences were found with the year of basic education of the students and the pedagogical and didactic aspects of the survey. It is concluded that generally the simulators had a good acceptance in the internalization of mathematical knowledge in the students of general basic education.


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How to Cite

Camacho Peña, A. G., & Medina-Chicaiza, P. . (2022). Virtual simulators for the transfer of knowledge on integers. Revista Científica Arbitrada Multidisciplinaria PENTACIENCIAS - ISSN 2806-5794., 4(6), 236–246. Retrieved from



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